Executive Office of Health and Human Services,  Web Work

Intranet Migration

So, I’m here on a Friday night, past the regular 9 to 5 time frame awaiting my turn to do my testing of the intranet sites that I manage here at the Secretariat. I handle the EOHHS pages along with making changes for Tewksbury Hospital, the Department of Health, and also work along side MassHealth and the Department of Developmental Services, and the Department of Mental Health! I service all these agencies when requests come in to either change and create content.

Image may contain: Lucyus Fevrier, selfie, close-up and indoor
Me, on a Friday night, working on intranet migration :-)…

So the reason why we’re even moving these files over is because of a security issue with the way the current site is set up on the server where the site is located. Throughout the past few months, I was responsible for working alongside the wonderful EOHHS IT department in Quincy where we did a lot of testing and validation. We started off with a qa/dev environment and now today we’re going to working on the production/live aspect of the project. We waited until everyone was away with the exception of Tewksbury Hospital who is 24/7, but a good majority of the organizations wouldn’t even be near the sites. I recruited a few colleagues to help out with this project, but last minute I was only able to get one which is understandable, it was a Friday night, things to do. :-)…

Overall, it looks like it’s going to work out. I may need to wait until tomorrow morning/afternoon to make sure that everything is working properly from the redirecting to again making sure the links work, but I have no fear….working with a great team who has a great check list together and I’m confident we will make this a successful smooth process!

Wish I had something more glamours to show, but unfortunately, it’s just a bunch of code, much like I explained in another post! But this one has a lot more to do with FTP, again, links, and just making sure everything is good to go come Monday!